Ok, another post -- think that makes two this week!
Why I Do What I Do...
There was a recent exchange I saw on Facebook about why teachers leave the profession. I could sit here and write all the reasons that are commonly cited: pressures, politics, testing, etc. There are many reasons that a teacher would leave teaching. There are many nights I come home exhausted and sick of my job. For those nights, I submit the following reasons why I stay with this insanity:
Those moments that kindergartners come up to you and hug you like you're their favorite teddy bear because you are, according to them "the best teacher".
Looking into a students eyes during a lesson and realizing that they "get it".
Classes that can get into the meat of a book and discuss it on multiple levels.
The feeling of utter exhaustion at the end of a good day when you know you've made a difference.
Colleagues that support you and share their ideas with your to improve your craft.
True professional development where new ideas are shared.
Getting to read great books to share with students.
The moments of pure "un-academic" joy that you get to share with students.
Messages from parents thanking your for getting your child to where they are and being a part of their success.
I could go on with many similar reasons why I love my job. But for me, it has always and will always go back to the kids. Teachers are vilified and often made to made the scapegoats for the ills of society. But I and many other teachers know the truth. We make a difference. We are part of helping to change children's lives. Even if it may not seem it everyday, we change things.
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