So much for last week's goal... Snow and sickness got in the way....
On to this week: 3 posts? I hope so!
Today finds me sitting at my dining table (our apartment doesn't have a separate kitchen table - its a one stop shop table) and really taking in the moment. The kids are watching TV, cup of coffee next to me and one of those rare quiet times. I've started at least two different posts and thought both were too sappy. Oh, and that quiet was quickly ended by the tugging on my arm looking for something, although I'm not sure what, from my little one. But it is in those small, little moments of quiet that I can find just a moment to reflect on how happy I really am. I've been reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and really meditating on where my own life falls in terms of happiness. The realization I've come to is that I am happy, but need to do a much better job at expressing that happiness. A note I made in the pages is that happiness expressed is not happiness. If I can't share that with others, what is the point? So my challenge for this week (in addition to writing) is to be more positive in my attitude towards others. How can you show others you are happy and in terms share it with them?
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