Friday, January 10, 2014

Ideas for Writing

As this blog begins to take shape, I know the inevitable day is coming: the day of writer's block.  The day when I just won't know what to write about.  I was reflecting upon a writing assignment I was given in eighth grade and it struck me as that would be the solution to my problem: a 30 day writing challenge.  The assignment was to write each day for 30 minutes.  It could be poetry, character sketches (which I did many), articles; anything really.  I know I don't have the time to write each day for the next 30 days, but the idea of having 30 things to write sounds like it would be useful thing to have.  So here is my first "list for writing"

  1. a letter to my 16 year old self
  2. a letter to my daughter when she is 16
  3. a letter to my son when he gets married
  4. my obituary (I know it sounds morbid, but what do I want to be remembered for?)
  5. a news article
  6. a poem
  7. a character sketch
  8. an advertisement
  9. a speech
  10. a haiku
  11. a taxonomy of adjectives
  12. a setting
  13. a rewrite of a fairy tale
  14. a memory
  15. a job description
  16. a book review
  17. review of historical event
  18. biography
  19. opinion piece
  20. product review
  21. advice article for parents' magazine
  22. teacher tips article for newsletter
  23. my story - health
  24. my story - education
  25. short story
  26. children's book (summary/story outline)
  27. course description for a college class (children's lit?)
  28. letter of thanks
  29. interview questions for a role model
  30. a wish for the future
Even writing this list was a bit exhausting!  My hope it that I'd like to build my discipline and be sure that I can actually write things people would like to read.  Leave your thoughts below and let me know what you think.  If you had nothing holding you back, what would YOUR book be?

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